The slow but steady march of the Cultural Marxists through the educational, cultural, and artistic communities has been taking place since the 1950s. This group has been exceedingly careful in pursuing their aim of systematically destroying and dismantling Western society. Had they come out with their present agenda when they started approximately seven decades ago, they would have been unlikely to succeed; instead, they slowly advanced and took over the vital cultural institutions of the West, advocating for increasingly extreme positions as they continued to gain ground. What started as seemingly innocuous policies that were allegedly aimed at the inclusion and the advancement of dispossessed collectives such as the homosexuals, women, and various cultural minorities has transformed into the promotion of transvestism for children, into advancing women’s interests at the cost of the rights of men as evidenced by the neo-McCarthyistic movement known as #MeToo, and into a wholesale replacement of Western populations through open border policies.
America’s yellow media had first completely missed the phenomenon of Trump and called him all kinds of names, eliminating the possibility of a Trump victory even for the nominee of the Republican party. To their credit, they have nominally apologized profusely for their mistake but now this very same media is exclaiming how impossible a Trump victory would be in November. These are very much post-modernists, those that believe that feelings matter more than facts. Their personal bias and their insulation is preventing them from seeing the light, what the true American patriots want for their formerly great nation.